Donald Arbuthnot
Chapter Organizer | New Orleans
Donald Arbuthnot grew up at a time of great unrest in the United States, with the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement underway. He was directly impacted by the systemic injustices that people of color continue to face, experiencing firsthand the total disregard for human dignity, equality, and life, especially for Black Americans.
Donald believes his most notable achievement is working with incarcerated people to overcome their pass through education. While he was incarcerated, he was a tutor and self-help, pre-release instructor — an opportunity that allowed him to befriend men so that together they could tackle the mental and social barriers of hopelessness and detachment from social norms. Many had thought that their situation was hopeless, but by Donald helping them to establish self-help goals, they were able to earn GEDs, complete job preparation and public speaking courses, and invigorate their self-esteem.
Donald uses these valuable experiences as a Chapter Organizer for the greater New Orleans area. He believes that your life is your story—how do you want to live it?