Anisha Shetty

Director of Communications

Anisha Shetty is the Director of Communications of VOTE. Prior to joining, she spent more than a decade focused on marketing research and consulting in Washington, DC. In 2018, Anisha took a leave of absence from the private sector to pursue more social justice-focused work including aiding in reentry and workforce development with formerly incarcerated women, helping run a community solidarity bail fund, and co-founding a tenants’ rights organization in Tidewater, Virginia. She loves investing in grassroots initiatives that build power among the most impacted and has never looked back. 

After years of angling to move to New Orleans, Anisha finally made her way to the Crescent City in August of 2022 and joined VOTE soon after. She is still getting her Louisiana legs but is learning and having fun as she goes.  

Anisha studied Marketing and Management at the McIntire School of Business at the University of Virginia and Social Impact Strategy at the University of Pennsylvania. Her passions include National Parks, adventure travel, low and high-brow food, and creating more just and inclusive communities.